What are some ayurvedic foods for menstrual health?

Turmeric: Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory agent and can help reduceinflammation in the body during menstruation. It also helps regulate hormonalimbalances that may cause menstrual irregularities. Ginger: Ginger is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can helpreduce menstrual cramps and pain. It also helps improve digestion andreduces bloating during menstruation. Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds [...]

What are some Ayurvedic soups for winter?

Spiced Lentil Soup (Dal Soup): This soup is made with split red lentils, onions,garlic, ginger, turmeric, cumin, and coriander. It is warming and nourishing,and can help strengthen the immune system. Vegetable Soup with Ginger and Turmeric: This soup is made with seasonalvegetables such as carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes, and flavored withginger, turmeric, and black [...]

What are some ayurvedic teas and drinks for better sleep?

Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea is a popular Ayurvedic remedy for insomnia. Itcontains apigenin, a flavonoid that can help promote relaxation and reduceanxiety. Ashwagandha tea: Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that is often used inAyurveda to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Ashwagandha tea canhelp promote better sleep by reducing stress and anxiety. Turmeric milk: Turmeric milk [...]

What are some ayurvedic foods for glowing skin and healthy hair?

Turmeric: Turmeric is a spice that is often used in Ayurvedic medicine.It is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce theappearance of acne and other skin blemishes. Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is a rich source of vitamin C, which isimportant for collagen production. Collagen is a protein that is essential forhealthy skin and [...]

what are the ayurvedic food combination to avoid?

Milk with sour fruits: This combination is said to create indigestion, bloating,and skin problems. Milk with fish or meat: This combination is considered heavy to digest and cancause digestive problems. Fruit with dairy: Fruits are digested faster than dairy products, and whencombined, the fruit can become trapped in the stomach, leading tofermentation and the production [...]