what are some common ayurvedic cooking techniques?

  1. Sautéing: This involves cooking ingredients in a small amount of oil over
    medium heat until they are lightly browned.
  2. Steaming: This involves cooking food by exposing it to steam. This technique
    is often used for vegetables and grains.
  3. Boiling: Boiling is a common cooking technique in Ayurveda, and it involves
    cooking food in water until it is tender. This technique is often used for
    legumes and grains.
  4. Roasting: This involves cooking ingredients over an open flame or in an oven
    until they are browned and cooked through. This technique is often used for
    root vegetables and meats.
  5. Stewing: This involves cooking ingredients in a liquid until they are tender.
    This technique is often used for soups and stews.
  6. Using Spices: Ayurvedic cooking uses a wide variety of spices, which are
    used to balance the body’s doshas and enhance the flavor of the food.
    Common spices used in Ayurvedic cooking include turmeric, cumin, coriander,
    ginger, and cinnamon.
  7. Combining Foods: Ayurvedic cooking often involves combining different foods
    to balance the body’s doshas. For example, combining sweet and sour flavors
    can help balance the Kapha dosha.
    Overall, Ayurvedic cooking techniques aim to create healthy, balanced meals
    that nourish the body and promote well-being.